Monday, August 15, 2011

Philly?s finest BHop drills Evans on slick boxing

Bernard Hopkins hasn't always been a big fan of mixed martial arts, but like many boxers he's coming around to understand and respect the sport. BHop admits that just his boxing alone wouldn't carry him in an MMA fight. On the flip side, most MMA fighters certainly respect the hands and�foot work of great boxers.

If he wasn't already on the list, add Rashad Evans to the group that has a healthy respect for boxers. On UFC 133 workout day in Philadelphia, Evans got a visit this week from the 46-year-old future Hall of Famer.

Hopkins is one of the best defensive fighters in the history of boxing. He showed Evans the importance of rolling�the shoulder and tucking your chin. Hopkins also drilled Evans on how to throw the right hand with more momentum. It's pretty neat stuff. Take some time to watch the master explain his craft.

You can watch UFC 133 right here on Yahoo! Sports

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